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BSI PD IEC TS 61724-2:2016:2018 Edition


Photovoltaic system performance – Capacity evaluation method

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2018 30
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This part of IEC 61724 defines a procedure for measuring and analyzing the power production of a specific photovoltaic system with the goal of evaluating the quality of the PV system performance. The test is intended to be applied during a relatively short time period (a few relatively sunny days).

In this procedure, actual photovoltaic system power produced is measured and compared to the power expected for the observed weather based on the design parameters of the system. The expected power under reference and measured conditions are typically derived from the design parameters that were used to derive the performance target for the plant as agreed to prior to the commencement of the test. For cases when a power model was not developed during the plant design, a simple model that increases transparency is presented in the annexes as a possible approach.

The intent of this document is to specify a framework procedure for comparing the measured power produced against the expected power from a PV system on relatively sunny days. This test procedure is intended for application to grid-connected photovoltaic systems that include at least one inverter and the associated hardware.

The performance of the system is quantified both during times when the inverters are maximum-power-point tracking and during times when the system power is limited by the output capability of the inverter or interconnection limit, reducing the system output relative to what it would have been with an inverter with generation freely following irradiance, if this condition is relevant.

This procedure can be applied to any PV system, including concentrator photovoltaic systems, using the irradiance (direct or global) that is relevant to the performance of the system.

This test procedure was designed and drafted with a primary goal of facilitating the documentation of a performance target, but it can also be used to verify a model, track performance (e.g., degradation) of a system over the course of multiple years, or to document system quality for any other purpose. The terminology has not been generalized to apply to all of these situations, but the intent is to create a methodology that can be used whenever the goal is to verify system performance at a specific reference condition chosen to be a frequently observed condition. A more complete evaluation of plant performance can be accomplished by using the complementary Technical Specification IEC TS 61724‑3 , Photovoltaic system performance – Part 3: Energy evaluation method.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
10 3 Terms and definitions
12 4 Test scope, schedule and duration
13 5 Equipment and measurements
14 6 Procedure
6.1 Documentation of the performance targets under “unconstrained” and “constrained” operation
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Definition of test boundary to align with intended system boundary
6.1.3 Definition of the reference conditions for “unconstrained” operation
15 6.1.4 Definition of the performance target under “unconstrained” and “constrained” operation
6.1.5 Definition of the temperature dependence of the plant output under “unconstrained” operation
16 6.1.6 Definition of irradiance dependence
6.1.7 Definition of the performance target under “constrained” operation
6.1.8 Uncertainty definition
6.2 Measurement of data
6.2.1 General
17 6.2.2 Data checks for each data stream
Table 1 – Data validation and filtering criteria
18 6.2.3 Shading of irradiance sensor
6.2.4 Calibration accuracy
6.2.5 Using data from multiple sensors
Table 2 – Example guide for seasonal minimum stable irradiance requirements for flat-plate applications
19 6.2.6 Unconstrained operation and constrained operation when the output limit of the inverter is reached
6.3 Calculation of correction factor
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Measure inputs
6.3.3 Verify data quality
6.3.4 Calculate the correction factor for each measurement point
20 6.3.5 Correct measured power output
6.3.6 Average all values of corrected power
6.3.7 Analyse discrepancies
6.4 Comparison of measured power with the performance target
21 6.5 Uncertainty analysis
22 7 Test procedure documentation
23 8 Test report
24 Annex A (informative) Example of model for module temperature calculations
A.1 General
A.2 Example heat transfer model to calculate expected cell operating temperature
25 Table A.1 – Empirically determined coefficientsused to predict module temperature
Table A.2 – Hellmann coefficient, α, for correction of wind speed according to measured height, if values in Table A.1 are used
27 Annex B (informative) Example of model for system power
B.1 General
B.2 Example model
28 Annex C (informative) Inconsistent array orientation
29 Bibliography
BSI PD IEC TS 61724-2:2016