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BS ISO 19162:2015


Geographic information. Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems

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BSI 2015 98
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PDF Pages PDF Title
11 1 Scope
2 Conformance requirements
12 3 Normative references
4 Definitions and abbreviations
4.1 Definitions
18 4.2 Abbreviations
5 Backus-Naur Form notation and syntax
19 6 WKT string form
6.1 Overview
6.2 Encoding
6.3 Characters used in WKT
6.3.1 Basic characters
21 6.3.2 Numbers
6.3.3 Date and time
22 6.3.4 CRS WKT characters
23 6.3.5 Double quote
6.4 Delimiter
6.5 Case sensitivity
6.6 Reserved keywords
25 6.7 Backward compatibility
7 WKT representation of common attributes
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Name
7.3 Scope, extent, identifier and remark
7.3.1 Introduction
26 7.3.2 Scope
7.3.3 Extent Introduction Area description Geographic bounding box
27 Vertical extent
28 Temporal extent
7.3.4 Identifier
29 7.3.5 Remark
30 7.4 Unit and unit conversion factor
31 7.5 Coordinate system
7.5.1 Syntax
32 7.5.2 Coordinate system type and dimension
33 7.5.3 Axis name and abbreviation
34 7.5.4 Axis direction
35 7.5.5 Axis order
7.5.6 Axis unit and coordinate system unit
36 7.5.7 Examples of WKT describing coordinate systems Coordinate systems for geodetic CRSs Coordinate systems for projected CRSs
37 Coordinate systems for vertical CRSs Coordinate systems for engineering CRSs Coordinate systems for temporal CRSs
38 8 WKT representation of geodetic coordinate reference systems
8.1 Overview
8.2 Geodetic datum
8.2.1 Ellipsoid
39 8.2.2 Prime meridian
40 8.2.3 Datum
41 8.3 Coordinate systems for geodetic CRSs
8.4 Examples of WKT describing a geodetic CRS
42 9 WKT representation of projected CRSs
9.1 Overview
9.2 Base CRS
9.2.1 General
43 9.2.2 Ellipsoidal CS unit
9.3 Map projection
9.3.1 Introduction
44 9.3.2 Map projection name and identifier
9.3.3 Map projection method
45 9.3.4 Map projection parameter
9.4 Coordinate systems for projected CRSs
9.5 Examples of WKT describing a projected CRS
46 10 WKT representation of vertical CRSs
10.1 Overview
47 10.2 Vertical datum
10.3 Vertical coordinate system
10.4 Example of WKT describing a vertical CRS
11 WKT representation of engineering CRSs
11.1 Overview
48 11.2 Engineering datum
11.3 Coordinate systems for engineering CRSs
11.4 Examples of WKT describing an engineering CRS
49 12 WKT representation of image CRSs
12.1 Overview
12.2 Image datum
50 12.3 Coordinate systems for image CRSs
13 WKT representation of parametric CRSs
13.1 Overview
13.2 Parametric datum
13.3 Parametric coordinate system
51 13.4 Example of WKT describing a parametric CRS
14 WKT representation of temporal CRSs
14.1 Overview
14.2 Temporal datum
14.3 Temporal coordinate system
14.4 Example of WKT describing a temporal CRS
52 15 WKT representation of derived CRSs
15.1 Overview
15.2 Derived CRS conversion
15.2.1 Introduction
53 15.2.2 Derived CRS conversion method
15.2.3 Derived CRS conversion parameter
54 15.2.4 Derived CRS conversion parameter file
15.2.5 Derived CRS conversion example
15.3 Derived CRS of type geodetic
15.3.1 Representation
55 15.3.2 Example of WKT describing a derived geodetic CRS
15.4 Derived CRS of type vertical
56 15.5 Derived CRS of type engineering
15.5.1 Representation
57 15.5.2 Examples of WKT describing a derived engineering CRS
58 15.6 Derived CRS of type parametric
15.7 Derived CRS of type temporal
59 16 WKT representation of compound coordinate reference systems
16.1 Overview
60 16.2 Examples of WKT describing a compound CRS
61 17 WKT representation of coordinate operations
17.1 Coordinate operations
17.2 Coordinate operation components
17.2.1 Source and target CRS
17.2.2 Coordinate operation name and identifier
62 17.2.3 Coordinate operation method
17.2.4 Coordinate operation parameter
63 17.2.5 Coordinate operation parameter file
17.2.6 Interpolation CRS
17.2.7 Coordinate operation accuracy
17.2.8 Other coordinate operation attributes
64 17.3 Examples of WKT describing a coordinate operation
65 18 WKT representation of CRS and coordinate operation couplets
18.1 Bound CRS
66 18.2 Bound CRS components
18.2.1 Abridged coordinate transformation
18.2.2 Coordinate operation method in abridged coordinate transformations
67 18.2.3 Abridged coordinate transformation parameter
18.2.4 Coordinate operation parameter file
68 18.3 Examples of WKT describing a Bound CRS
89 The reference ellipsoid for the Earth for which the WKT string is defined in 8.2.1 is an oblate ellipsoid of revolution. A triaxial ellipsoid (figure D.1) may be required for planetary mapping and other applications. Their full CRS description is outside the scope of this International Standard.
A WKT string definition for a triaxial ellipsoid is:
BS ISO 19162:2015