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BS IEC 61671:2012


IEEE standard for automatic test markup language (ATML) for exchanging automatic test equipment and test information via XML

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BSI 2012 394
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ATML defines a standard exchange medium for sharing information between components of ATSs. This information includes test data, resource data, diagnostic data, and historic data. The exchange medium is defined using XML. This standard specifies the framework for the family of ATML standards.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
12 1. Overview
1.1 General
13 1.2 Scope
1.3 Purpose
14 1.4 Application
15 1.5 Conventions used in this document
17 2. Normative references
18 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
21 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
23 4. Automatic test system (ATS) architecture
4.1 Automatic test equipment (ATE)
26 4.2 Test program set (TPS)
29 4.3 Automatic diagnosis and testing
30 5. Automatic test markup language (ATML)
31 5.1 ATS architecture elements addressed by ATML
33 6. The ATML framework
6.1 External interfaces
34 6.2 Internal models
6.3 Services
36 7. ATML specification techniques
7.1 ATML common element partitioning
39 7.2 ATML XML schemas
7.3 XML schemas and their use in ATML
7.4 UML models
40 8. The ATML framework subdomains
8.1 The ATML framework and ATML family component standards
8.2 ATML subdomains
47 9. ATML XML schema names and locations
50 10. ATML XML schema extensibility
51 11. Conformance
11.1 ATML family XML schemas
11.2 The ATML framework
57 Annex A (normative) XML schema style guidelines
A.1 Naming conventions
59 A.2 XML declaration
A.3 ATML namespaces
61 A.4 Versioning
62 A.5 Documentation
63 A.6 Design
66 Annex B (normative) ATML common element schemas
B.1 Common element schema—Common.xsd
147 B.2 Common element schema—HardwareCommon.xsd
238 B.3 Common element schema—TestEquipment.xsd
269 Annex C (normative) ATML internal model schemas
C.1 ATML internal model schema—Capabilities.xsd
271 C.2 ATML internal model schema—WireLists.xsd
278 Annex D (normative) ATML runtime services
D.1 Messages
D.2 Executive system service
279 D.3 Example WSDL service definition
280 Annex E (informative) Pins, ports, connectors, and wire lists in ATML
E.1 Introduction
281 E.2 Overview of the base types
284 E.3 Using ports, pins, and connectors together
286 E.4 Ports, pins, and capabilities
289 E.5 Wire lists
294 Annex F (informative) ATML capabilities
F.1 Introduction
296 F.2 Overview
300 F.3 Describing instrument capabilities
339 F.4 Describing ATS capabilities
343 F.5 Capability information in ATML Test Description
350 Annex G (informative) IEEE download Web site material associated with this document
351 Annex H (informative) ATS architectures
H.1 ATS architectures utilization of published standards
354 H.2 ATS architectural relationships to IEEE SCC20-based standards
H.3 ATS architectural ATML subdomain relationship to SIMICA standards
358 Annex I (informative) Architecture examples
I.1 Instruments
359 I.2 Test descriptions
361 I.3 Complete testing scenario
374 I.4 Integrated ATML system
378 Annex J (informative) UML models
J.1 Generic ATS testing of a UUT
380 J.2 ATML XML schema relationships
383 Annex K (informative) Glossary
386 Annex L (informative) Bibliography
390 Annex M (informative) IEEE List of Participants
BS IEC 61671:2012