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BS EN 60300-3-12:2011


Dependability management – Application guide. Integrated logistic support

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BSI 2011 56
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IEC 60300-3-12:2011 is an application guide for establishing an integrated logistic support (ILS) management system. It is intended to be used by a wide range of suppliers including large and small companies wishing to offer a competitive and quality item which is optimized for the purchaser and supplier for the complete life cycle of the item. It also includes common practices and logistic data analyses that are related to ILS. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: – provision of a better overview of the whole ILS process; – updating of the document to align with associated dependability standards that were introduced after the previous edition.

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7 English

11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
12 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
13 3.2 Abbreviations
14 4 Principles of integrated logistic support (ILS)
4.1 ILS objectives
4.2 Application of ILS
15 4.3 Elements of ILS
16 4.4 Structure of ILS

Figure 1 – Structure of ILS
17 Figure 2 – Interrelationship of LSA analyses and other design activities
18 5 Planning and management of ILS
5.1 General
5.2 Management structure and responsibilities
19 5.3 Controlling documentation and review processes
20 6 Logistic support analysis (LSA)
Figure 3 – Applicability of LSA activities by life cycle phases
21 7 Customer profile constraints and supportability factors
7.1 General
7.2 Customer profile constraints
22 7.3 Supportability factors
24 7.4 Supportability factors report
8 Identification of maintenance and logistic support activities
8.1 Purpose and process
25 8.2 Identifying options
Figure 4 – Identification of maintenance and logistic support activities
26 8.3 Factors influencing a trade-off study
27 8.4 Establishing the criteria to conduct a trade-off study
28 8.5 Conducting a trade-off study
8.6 Trade-off study reports
29 9 Investigation of maintenance activities and determination of LSA activities
9.1 General
9.2 Maintenance support task (MST)
30 Figure 5 – Maintenance support task
32 9.3 Potential impact on existing logistic support for new items
33 9.4 Post-production support (PPS)
34 10 Verification of logistic supportability
10.1 General
10.2 Logistic support acceptance strategy
36 11 ILS outputs
11.1 General
37 11.2 Outputs used to influence the design process
11.3 Outputs used to identify or provide the logistic support elements
40 12 LSA database
12.1 General
41 12.2 Interfaces with other databases
12.3 Tailoring of the database
12.4 Format of data
12.5 Configuration management of the LSA database
42 12.6 Configuration management of the data within the LSA database
43 Annex A (informative)
Illustrative examples of LSA activities

Table A.1 – Illustrative example of customer profile – Constraints data
Table A.2 – Illustrative example of logistic standardization analysis
44 Table A.3 – Illustrative example of logistic improvement analysis (photocopier test cable – H1 as replacement for G1)
Table A.4 – Illustrative example of logistic technological opportunity analysis to improve or reduce logistic requirements
45 Table A.5 – Illustrative example of logistic support characteristics calculated from supportability factors analysis
46 Table A.6 – Illustrative example of initial supportability and logistic support requirements emanating from the customer profile –
Constraints and supportability factors
47 Annex B (informative)
Illustrative example of trade-off analysis emanating from the evaluation of design and logistic support options series of activities
Table B.1 – Example of a simple scoring system
48 Table B.2 – Illustrative example of trade-off analysis
49 Annex C (informative)
Examples of LSA database
50 Table C.1 – Selected data element definitions
53 Bibliography
BS EN 60300-3-12:2011