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ASTM-C294 2005


C294-05 Standard Descriptive Nomenclature for Constituents of Concrete Aggregates

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ASTM 2005 10
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1.1 This descriptive nomenclature provides brief descriptions of some of the more commonly occurring, or more important, natural and artificial materials of which mineral aggregates are composed. The descriptions provide a basis for understanding these terms as applied to concrete aggregates. When appropriate, brief observations regarding the potential effects of using the natural and artificial materials in concrete are discussed. Note 1These descriptions characterize minerals and rocks as they occur in nature and blast-furnace slag or lightweight aggregates that are prepared by the alteration of the structure and composition of natural material. Information about lightweight aggregates are given in Specifications C 330, C 331, and C 332.

1.2 This standard does not include descriptions of constituents of aggregates used in radiation shielding concrete. See Descriptive Nonmenclature C 638.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Scope
Referenced Documents
Significance and Use
Classes and Types
2 Silica Minerals
3 Ferromagnesian Minerals
Micaceous Minerals
Clay Minerals
Carbonate Minerals
4 Sulfate Minerals
Iron Sulfide Minerals
Iron Oxide Minerals, Anhydrous and Hydrous
Plutonic Rocks
5 Fine-Grained and Glassy Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Conglomerates, Sandstones, and Quartzites
6 Claystones, Shales, Argillites, and Siltstones
Carbonate Rocks
7 General
Metamorphic Rocks
8 General
Artificial Aggregate
10 Keywords
ASTM-C294 2005